Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Welcome to the "One Million Awake" Weblog

As it is stated above, the purpose of this blog is about Awakening.
It all started, in a way with Kyle MacDonald. If you don't know
about him, I suggest you check out his website at

Kyle decided he wanted a house and wondered what how he could get it.
He decided he would utilize the idea of the game "Bigger and Better"
to trade one red paper clip up until he got a house, and he did it.

This caused me to think. My teacher used to say, "Be Bold. If you
want to hunt, try for rhinoceros. If you want to steal, go for the
government reserve. If you fail, everyone will say, 'It couldn't be
done,' and if you succeed, everyone will say, 'How Great!"

Into my mind came the words, "One Million Awake" and I decided to
start this website and blog. Please feel free to subscribe, etc. and
to visit the website itself (if you didn't come from there) at

I have chosen this space to blog as it will allow me to blog from my
mobile phone wherever and whenever I want, which will perhaps cause
me to blog more.

Hoping this finds you well.

Love & Shanti (Peace),


1 comment:

Alexandria said...

Hi Aja,

Well, I have the privilege, it looks like, of being your first commenter! Welcome to Blogger, if you haven't already been here! I've had my blog here for a few months now. I have even used the mobile phone audioblog feature. Very cool!

I like this concept! I'll definitely be monitoring things and subscribing. And when finances allow, donating!

I'll be adding your blog to my RSS reader so I can see your new posts right away! So keep them coming!

Take good care,
